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  EMail Features
  • Group Mailings
  • Unlimited Distribution Lists
  • Attachments
  • Personalized Messages
     (i.e. Dear Mary Smith)
  • Scheduled Delivery Options
  • Personal Reminders
  • Mailing Reports and Monitoring

Powerful tools for communicating with your group via email

Group Mailings

Each mailing, based on a distribution list or by member attributes, generates a report of everyone the message was sent to and a list (with contact information) of those people who should get the message but don't have an email address on file. A file of up to one megabyte may be attached to these messages.

Scheduled Group Reminders

When you want to send timely reminders to your members next month or next year, you can easily tell the system to send your message by email on any future date. Scheduled reminders can be sent to any distribution list or all members.

Personal Reminders

Your members will love the fact that they can tell the system to send them personal email reminders of birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, appointments, deadlines, or any other event in the future. It is just like sending themselves an email except that delivery is postponed until some date in the future that they specify. They may choose to have any message sent once or automatically repeated weekly, monthly, or annually.

Personalized Messages

Simply by adding some simple codes in the messages you compose, your messages can automatically be personalized with each recipient's name, such as "Dear Mary Smith," and can also include other data from their membership record. It's like mail-merge for email.
Copyright © 2002 Digital Pathways International, Inc.